Stanley Dundee

World War 3

2023-01-09 v. 1

I suggest that World War 3 is well underway and it's not going well for the USA. I date from the Maiden coup in 2014. Fighting started around then and has continued since.

World wars tend to coincide with failing empires. Soviet exception!

Every century or so since modern times some clever Western despot (or syndicate) gets the idea to attach Russia. All those rich resources just too tempting to pass up. Russians are used to this by now. This is existential for them. Oh and guess what? They're really good war makers and they're well prepared.

Meanwhile, the USA has taken on the aspect of failing empire. Attaching Russia has the feel of suicide by cop. The groundwork is laid for domestic civil war. Deindustrialized and offshored manufacturing. Massively corrupt and incompetent military complex; any weapons of recent decades that perform well? How many lost wars?

Russia's war.

Narrative divergence.

Money and media.