Stanley Dundee
Notices by Stanley Dundee
2021-11-04: tinkzorg (Malcolm Kyeyune):
Wokeness is a Protection Racket
2021-07-17: Declaration of the launch of the 'Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations':
Zone B Declares Itself
2021-02-26: Amber A'Lee Frost:
The Characterless Opportunism of the Managerial Class
2021-02-21: Chalmers Johnson:
Chalmers Johnson, Blowback, and Revolution
2021-02-21: G. William Domhoff:
Who Rules America
2021-01-04: Natalie Gochnour:
Asabiyah in Utah
2020-11-04: Tessa Lena:
The Great Reset
2020-10-24: Michael J. Smith:
The Ratchet Effect
2020-10-07: Michael Pettis:
Global Capital Is the Tail That Wags the U.S. Economic Dog
2020-09-03: Karen Garcia:
Black and Blue In America
2020-08-17: Jeffrey Snider:
Low Rates Aren't a Central Bank Providing Accommodation
2020-07-29: Scipio Sattler:
How Warren, and the Professional Class Left Undermined Sanders 2020
2020-07-14: Pam Martens and Russ Martens:
JPMorgan-Chase: Criminal Operations at the Riskiest Bank
2020-07-02: Louis Even:
Liberal Leader Mackenzie King Said in 1935
2020-06-01: William J. Broad:
Putin's Long War Against American Science
2020-05-31: TeleSUR:
'We Lied, Cheated and Stole': Pompeo Comes Clean About CIA
2020-05-04: CJ Hopkins:
Virus of Mass Destruction
2020-03-21: Danny Sjursen:
How Do You Prefer Your Empire: Coarse or Polite?
2020-03-20: Jeffrey Snider:
Neither the Crisis Nor Its Timing Is Random
2020-03-05: John Maynard Keynes:
Social Consequences of Changes in the Value of Money (1923)
2019-12-03: Max Forte:
Review of Peter Phillips'
Global Giants
Interview with Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky by the
New York Times
Question for Mark Zuckerberg
2019-10-25: QuioLiang:
The U.S. Uses Its Dollar to Dominate the World
2019-09-05: C. J. Hopkins:
The Future of the Spectacle ... or How the West Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Reality Police
2019-09-04: Mark Carney:
The Growing Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current International Monetary and Financial System
Old Notices.